You may know by now that Sienna is a big book and TV addict so when we got the opportunity to try these Heroes of the city items out, I knew they'd be a hit. This television cartoon is about hero rescue vehicles in a small town. Paulie Police Car and Fiona Fire Engine are 2 of the main characters and go about the town helping to put out fires, find thieves and solve other mysteries. There is also Calamity Crow that is the unluckiest bird in town and this helps add the comedy factor.
The programme is primarily aimed at 3-7 year olds however Sienna really enjoyed it and it was a nice change for mummy from CBeebies! She grasped the concept that they were cars and 'oo, car' whilst pointing, is pretty much all she said/did while watching it, bless her! I was also pointing out other objects like the train, tree etc which made it sneakily educational whilst fun.
Sienna also enjoyed looking at the book as she knew it was a new one. She was pointing out the cars and helped turn the page as I read it to her. We also spent ages trying to find Calamity Crow on the first page where it is hidden somewhere!
I haven't let Sienna have the toys cars yet as she still likes to put everything in her mouth, particularly whilst teething! They do say 3+ as well but I will keep them for when she is old enough. As well as the DVD & book, we also got to review their new app! I was excited about this as apps are brilliant when we are out in public or travelling and Sienna is getting bored. I am slowly building up my collection of toddler apps and this is the perfect addition!
This app gives you 6 hours of film and 9 mini games to help keep your littles ones amused and is aimed at 2-6 year olds. With Sienna being 15 months, some of the games on it are a bit too difficult for her to do and get the hang of but on the other hand some of them she was pretty good at. We particularly liked the colouring one, although I don't think she understood it was her changing the colours of the car, she just kept saying 'woooow' every time it changed! To be honest, I was probably enjoying some of the games a little bit too much as well ;)
I really like this app and would highly recommend it if you have little ones who like to be amused with movies and games. Sienna will definitely grow into this app and I can see it being a lifesaver when she is going through the terrible twos! I know not everyone agrees with learning from apps but I think they can make a nice change from books and if you are interacting with them as well, not just leaving them to their own devices they will have a lot of fun and be learning. If you'd like to try the app, you can download it FREE from iTunes or GooglePlay, if you do, let me know what you think either on my Twitter or Facebook, I'd love to know :)
And if you'd like to own the book, DVD and toy cars, I have a giveaway of just that for you! Enter via the rafflecopter and don't forget to do ALL the mandatory entries on the front of the rafflecopter. The ones you then unlock are optional. One winner will be picked at random when the giveaway has finished.
Do you think this app looks good? Will you give it a go?
GOOD LUCK if you entered :)

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