
Monday 6 January 2014

4 tips for keeping your new years resolution

Every year we make near enough the same resolutions with a sense of blind optimism, but we seem to forget that just because it's a new year doesn't mean our resolutions are going to be easy to keep. 

If you usually have trouble sticking to your resolutions beyond the first week, make a resolution 
 year to take the time to stick by them in a few easy steps.
If you want to get in shape

Before you start, decide which work out regime is going to be right for you. If you've tried the gym before and never been back, other exercise alternatives may be more your thing. Heaps of different workouts and exercise plans are easily accessible online or are handily available as apps. There are also lots of exercise videos and handy tutorials available for free on YouTube if you're on a budget. Try some different regimes and styles of exercise - from jogging to swimming to yoga - to find the perfect one for you to kick start your new year

If you want to eat more healthily

Before the New Year, make sure to clear the cupboards of any leftover Christmas sweets and treats. Make a list before each shopping trip and stick to it to avoid impulse purchases that might not be acceptable on your new diet. For inspiration, look online and in magazines for recipes and cut or print them out and put them in a folder or scrapbook for yummy, healthy meal ideas whenever you need them.
If you want to be more organised:
A great stress-busting New Year’s resolution is to become as organised as possible with day to day life. There are lots of easy ways to get well-ordered, such as creating a cleaning rota for the house with chores divided between family members or putting up a family notice board to easily pin ideas, things to do and places to visit. You can also buy a family calendar to keep daily activities and appointments organised where everyone can see them. Personalised calendars can be a fun way to stick to your New Year’s resolution as you can personalise your calendars with photos of your family with individual photos for special occasions. 

If you want to give something up

Before you’re ready to give something up for good, you need to be in the right frame of mind to do it. Make a list of the reasons why you’re giving it up and display it somewhere you will see it every day, e.g. on the fridge or your bedroom wall. If you’re giving up something such as smoking or drinking, try to cut down before the New Year to make it easier to give up when you start your resolution, rather than going cold turkey. Let all of your loved ones know that you are giving up so they can help you through any rough patches and distract you from giving in to temptation. 

  How will you be making sure you keep yours? 

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