
Tuesday 3 March 2015

Looking for a career change? 5 careers you never considered

In this day and age, people are working multitudes of jobs within their lifetime. This means that people can become restless working the same job day-in, day-out quite quickly. Are you starting to yearn for greener pastures but aren’t sure what you want to move into? Here are a few ideas you may not have ever considered before.

1. Stock Market Analyst

One of the problems with changing careers is ensuring financial stability in the interim. A creative way to potentially accomplish both is to become a stock market analyst. This requires an intricate knowledge of the various markets and being able to gauge the direction they may move in next. If you don’t know anything about trading stocks, that’s no problem either; there are plenty of education providers like Learn to Trade that specialise in teaching people the ins and outs of Forex trading.

2. Lego Sculptor

Be honest – you’d give anything to land this gig. You’d have to search pretty far and wide to find someone who didn’t play with Lego bricks when they were a kid, crafting anything their imagination could conjure up. Lego retains a number of professional builders who construct sets and models for display and eventual production. The competition for the job is fierce, so you’ll need to be very unique and skilled to be in with a chance.

3. Personal Trainer

If you’re into helping people, leading by example, and looking after yourself, a career in fitness might be the ideal option. Personal trainers help others become the best version of themselves they can be by whipping them into shape and encouraging better fitness and eating habits. In doing this, you will keep yourself fit by training alongside them as you demonstrate. This is a rewarding career for those who are into self-improvement.

4. Chocolate Consultant

Not only do these jobs exist, there are lots of different avenues they can take you down; maybe you’re working with big name brands, or maybe with boutique chocolatiers. You’ll be able to develop a palette for different flavours and styles, and introduce others to new and awesome kinds of confections. The challenge will be in fighting the impulse to keep all the free samples to yourself.

5. Social Media Guru

Social media has already proven itself to be the way of the future. The sheer number of people who use Facebook and Twitter daily should tell you that. This means that companies are constantly on the lookout for someone who can leverage those vital platforms and effectively communicate their brand to a potential audience of millions. If you’re one of those people who can cultivate an Instagram account with 30,000 followers in only a few months, then this is the gig for you.

As you can see, there are so many diverse and exciting career opportunities out there just waiting for someone smart and driven enough to come along and seize them. Upskilling yourself before striking out on your own and forging a new career path can be one of the most rewarding and refreshing things a person can do for themselves. Have you ever made a dramatic career change before? What was your experience like? Share with other readers in the comments below. 

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