
Tuesday 24 February 2015

7 Creative Mother's Day presents (on a budget!)

Show your mum how much you care about her and appreciate all she does for you by getting creative this Mother’s Day. Financially, these months immediately after Christmas can be tricky with Valentine’s Day just gone and Easter in the very near future hampering your personal economic recovery, therefore, I am sure you will welcome some ideas to cut costs without cutting the quality of your Mother’s Day gift. Here are some suggestions for you to give this 15th March.

Home-made Jewellery
No-one will know your mum’s taste in jewellery better than you so you should be in a great position to make her the items she will just love. There are lots of websites and shops where you can pick up the materials and tools you need to make beautiful pendants, pretty necklaces and fabulous ear rings.

Photo Album
This is a nice sentimental present which allows you to make use of all the great pictures you have had taken of the family over the last few years which haven’t made it beyond Facebook. Buy a beautifully bound album for a lovely looking present which will give you mum years of pleasure. 

A Three-course Meal
How often does your mum get her dinner cooked for her? Go all out and cook her up her favourite feast to spoil her and show off your chef skills. But don’t forget to do the washing up afterwards!

Home-made Soap Collection
Home-made soap is easy to create. All you need is some plain soap to melt down and then mix it with herbs and essential oils. Make sure you pick your mum’s favourite scents. You can package them up nicely too by buying hessian material and brightly coloured ribbons.

DIY Candles
As with soap, candles are also easy to make at home. Melt wax and mould it into your desired shape or pour into a nice mason jar for a rustic style. Again, add your mum’s favourite scents with essential oils to add the personal touch. Plan the decoration to match the colours of your mum’s living room, bathroom or bedroom.

Customised Prints
Etsy has a number of artists/designers who create custom prints for customers. Some offer prints showing favourite song lyrics in an inventive way whereas others show facts about the person. When ordering a print such as this it is important to consider the style of the home it is going in. Alternatively, you can be the artist yourself and paint a design (the website Artifolk have a great selection of acrylic paints to choose from.) 

Photo Montage
You can do this with an internet service, or get creative and make one yourself. The latter option allows you to take snaps of holidays and family occasions and combine with other images, or items such as tickets and other mementos which may appeal to your mum.

Whatever you choose to buy your mum this Mother’s Day make sure you spend some of the 15th March with her and show how much you care.

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