If last week has taught me anything it is that it's the little things in life you have to savour and be grateful for. Feelings and family are most important, the things that money can't buy. It's made me want to join in with a lot more linkys such as the Ordinary moments. For they might be ordinary now but maybe in a year or 2 years time, these precious days as a family of three and Sienna at the most amazing age will be a distant memory and we won't remember them as well.
Documenting them means we can look back on them and see how (extra)ordinary they were.
This is my little snuggle bug this morning drinking her milk. Every morning we have a little ritual of coming downstairs, snuggling on the sofa while she drinks her milk and I drink my coffee and we're normally watching Peppa pig too or mummy is checking her emails. It's one of my favourite parts of the day and I'm so glad I get to do it every morning with her :)

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