Christmas for me is mainly about the food, it's the only time I don't allow myself to feel guilty whilst stuffing my face with delicious tasting food, sat on the sofa for hours on end, declaring it's my day off. This year, I have tried to stay eating healthy leading up to it (give or take a few Costa trips!) so I can really indulge when the big day comes. I thought I'd share our Christmas 'essentials'; the things we repurchase every year that mean Christmas to us, other than the Turkey!
First things first, chocolate is a must have and it has to be Cadbury's; the best chocolate around! All the chocolate that comes out around this time of year just seems to taste SO much better, probably helped by the fact they look extra pretty. Throughout the year I try to stick to small bits of dark chocolate as it is better for you, but Christmas is the time to go all out with Cadbury's, and of course, a cadbury advent calendar is a must, for both of us :)
Biscuit breakfast
I am a serious biscuit lover, I'd even choose a chocolate biscuit over a chocolate bar, I love the crunch. Our tradition when I was younger was that we would have tea and dig into a box of biscuits whilst admiring our presents, pre-opening and seeing what clues Santa left us to show he'd been in (apart from the presents!) This is a tradition I'd love to carry on with Sienna, with such a big fancy lunch to come, I never see the need for a posh breakfast, biscuits all the way!
Sweets for snacks
Believe it or not, sometimes I am just not in the mood for chocolate but need something small a sweet after a big savoury meal. Sweets are the way to go, just a small handful does the job. This year we have chosen wine gums, one of our favourites!
Mince pies
Probably the food that screams Christmas the most to me. I eat these with coffee on the lead up to Christmas and it reminds me what is to come! You can't have Christmas without mince pies and if you do, I suggest you tell Santa you need to go on the naughty list!
Christmas pudding is the only pudding
Christmas pudding is my favourite type of pudding to have for Christmas, we would always light ours with brandy and eat warm with cream, yum! This Truly Irresistible Christmas Pudding is half price in Co-Op until the 31st December so grab one quick, I can't wait to eat this!
Goose fat potatoes
Normally the thought of the fat content in this would send me running but Christmas calls for extra special, crispy, roast potatoes so goose fat is a definite must have! One day can't hurt can it?!
As this year is all about celebrating, some kind of Fizz is needed, wether you use it for Christmas or New Year is up to you! We have Co-op's Prosecco this year as it has scooped a Which 'best buy'. If it's good enough for Which, it's good enough for us! At only £6.49 a bottle (until 31st December) it's the perfect way to ring in the New Year!
I have 2 things left on my list and they are both things for me! I loooove Wensleydale and cranberry cheese so I need to pick some of that up. I also love Morrison's lebkuchen stars, they are SO good although I haven't seen them in there yet, I will have to hunt some down soon though!
What food means Christmas to you?
*We were sent SOME of these items to feature.
Biscuit breakfast
I am a serious biscuit lover, I'd even choose a chocolate biscuit over a chocolate bar, I love the crunch. Our tradition when I was younger was that we would have tea and dig into a box of biscuits whilst admiring our presents, pre-opening and seeing what clues Santa left us to show he'd been in (apart from the presents!) This is a tradition I'd love to carry on with Sienna, with such a big fancy lunch to come, I never see the need for a posh breakfast, biscuits all the way!
Sweets for snacks
Believe it or not, sometimes I am just not in the mood for chocolate but need something small a sweet after a big savoury meal. Sweets are the way to go, just a small handful does the job. This year we have chosen wine gums, one of our favourites!
Mince pies
Probably the food that screams Christmas the most to me. I eat these with coffee on the lead up to Christmas and it reminds me what is to come! You can't have Christmas without mince pies and if you do, I suggest you tell Santa you need to go on the naughty list!
Christmas pudding is the only pudding
Christmas pudding is my favourite type of pudding to have for Christmas, we would always light ours with brandy and eat warm with cream, yum! This Truly Irresistible Christmas Pudding is half price in Co-Op until the 31st December so grab one quick, I can't wait to eat this!
Goose fat potatoes
Normally the thought of the fat content in this would send me running but Christmas calls for extra special, crispy, roast potatoes so goose fat is a definite must have! One day can't hurt can it?!
As this year is all about celebrating, some kind of Fizz is needed, wether you use it for Christmas or New Year is up to you! We have Co-op's Prosecco this year as it has scooped a Which 'best buy'. If it's good enough for Which, it's good enough for us! At only £6.49 a bottle (until 31st December) it's the perfect way to ring in the New Year!
I have 2 things left on my list and they are both things for me! I loooove Wensleydale and cranberry cheese so I need to pick some of that up. I also love Morrison's lebkuchen stars, they are SO good although I haven't seen them in there yet, I will have to hunt some down soon though!
What food means Christmas to you?
*We were sent SOME of these items to feature.

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