
Wednesday 30 September 2015

It's a....


We had our anomaly scan yesterday and everything looked just how it should; perfect which is such a relief! She took her time looking at the heart and how the blood was moving through on the thermal view which gave me reassurance after what happened with Rocco so fingers crossed the aspirin is working this time (or baby is just perfectly fine like Sienna was) and baby should continue to grow perfectly. I don't really remember Sienna's scan as it was so long ago but it is amazing what you see! We saw thigh bones, eyes, nostrils, the top lip, hands and feet, fingers and toes, the stomach, the spine.. it was so amazing! 

We also found out that we are having another beautiful little girl! The sonographer said she couldn't get the best view so was only 80-85% sure it is a girl but that was good enough to me! She had a few looks and couldn't see any 'dangly bits' and could see the three lines for a girl so I think it probably is girl as well. I had a gut feeling it was a girl as my pregnancy has been SO similar to Sienna's.. the sickness, the migraines, the need for McDonalds in the first trimester and then around 20 weeks, the nausea is much better and I want all the sweet stuff. That was exactly the same as with Sienna, I lived on carrot cake for the last half of my pregnancy haha! 

We are so excited to be having another little girl, I can't quite believe it. Growing up I always wanted a little sister and I got 3 younger brothers so I have always wanted a girl of my own. When I got Sienna I was over the moon and happy to have my girl, but to give her a little sister is even more amazing because it's something I never had. She is so excited and I hope they will always have a close, strong relationship even after the fights ;) 

 When I was first pregnant, Warren said he would love another girl, much to my surprise, as I thought he'd be desperate for a boy but he is happy with his girls! Of course we would have been happy if it was a boy as well, we really couldn't have chosen but Sienna was definitely favouring a little sister :) She has already chosen the nickname 'snowcone' for her haha! 

Thank you for all your congratulations and messages, it means a lot to us and still is very surreal I am even pregnant. I have to pinch myself that I am half way through another pregnancy and so close to getting our happy ever after!

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