
Monday 21 September 2015

Casdon toy post office review

Casdon toy post office review

Sienna's nearly 3 and at that age where she loves role play and pretending to be 'just like mummy'. She loves her 'babies' and also loves pretending to do every day things such as go to the shops, so when we were asked to review this post office from Casdon, I couldn't turn it down. 

Casdon toy post office review
Casdon toy post office review

When I set it up I thought it was so cute and I knew Sienna was instantly going to love it. It has everything you find in a post office including magazines, cards, envelopes, post box, a paid stamp, notepad and paper, little parcel boxes, weighing scales, tax discs, money and various forms. 

Casdon toy post office review
Casdon toy post office review

We have already spent so much time playing with this, it's the perfect toy for Sienna at the moment. Although it is a lot of fun, she can still get some stimulations and learning from it. She can really use her imagination as well as me trying to sneak in a little bit of counting with either the money or asking her to count me out 5 envelopes etc. Of course the whole set also encourages essential skills we need in life and understanding of why we have a post office and what they're used for. I can see Sienna getting lots of use out of this over the next year.. I sometimes struggle finding toys that are appropriate for her that encourage learning/counting as well as being so fun but this is a really great one!

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