
Wednesday 4 June 2014

Summer holiday-Should we?

*This post contains a sponsored link.

We had a lovely time on our holiday at Parkdean in April with Sienna, but after the awful 6 months we've had (we've now had two miscarriages, on Sunday/Monday I found out I was having a very early miscarriage/chemical pregnancy) I feel like Warren and I really need a proper break abroad, without Sienna.

Some people may think this is a horrible thought and I'm not too happy about leaving her for a week either but taking her would be a) more stress than being at home and b) more expensive! Cotton Traders have done a survey about these 6 weeks of summer and 35% of people asked said they wouldn't be budgeting for a summer holiday at all as they just couldn't afford it. It can be expensive going abroad which is why more families (35%) are choosing to holiday in the UK. 

Don't get me wrong, I do feel the UK can be just as good as abroad for family/kids holidays but when it comes to Warren and I wanting some time toget and a nice break, we want some sun! I love being with Sienna every day but as you mums and dads will know, you rarely get any time to yourself to just relax and I think that's what my body needs. Obviously, Sienna would be in safe hands of the grandparents as she is clearly not old enough to be left at home yet! From the results of the cotton traders survey, the average age that parents think a child can be left unsupervised during the school holidays is 13 years. I personally think that's a little bit young. My parents are off on a holiday abroad in August and I will be looking after my youngest brother (he's 13).

I don't know what's for the best, I feel like we need a break away and a holiday would be lovely but I'd probably just keep worrying about how Sienna is. I don't think I can take a month's break from TTC either as I feel like it's nearly our time, I feel like in the next few months is when we'll get our sticky baby and I can't risk missing our chance!

Are you taking a summer holiday? 
Who's looking after your kids over the summer holidays?

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