
Thursday 22 May 2014

Metcalfe's skinny topcorn!

Metcalfe's skinny topcorn review

I had always tried to avoid popcorn as I always thought of it as super unhealthy. Before last week, I can't even tell you the last time I ate it! Cinema trips are rare these days and I never buy it in the supermarkets. When I found Metcalfe's Skinny topcorn, I couldn't wait to try it, they do so many flavours! We had the Sweet Cinnamon Spice, Sargent Salt, Heat 'n Sweet, Sweet 'n Salt, Chocolate crackle and Wasabi glaze. Yum!

Metcalfe's skinny topcorn review

Sienna's favourite is the Sweet Cinnamon Spice and it's my second favourite, it is gorgeous! Sweet but not too sweet and the cinnamon flavour is just so nice. 

Metcalfe's skinny topcorn review

My absolute favourite is the Sweet 'n salt and I think Warren agrees. The combination of sweet and salty is so good and so moreish, it's a good job they are so low calorie because I can't portion control with this ;)

All of them are nice, I'm not the biggest fan of the Wasabi and Heat 'n Sweet but then I have such a sweet tooth! As you can see they are all low calorie and I was surprised to see that they are also low carb as well which is great! These have been a nice snack or dessert when I'm in a healthy mood. I will definitely be looking out for these in the supermarkets when I go! 

Do you love Metcalfe's skinny topcorn too?

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