
Monday 18 March 2013

Nuby Teething Blankies


Teething is something you know well if you're a mummy. The cries of pain, shoving everything into their mouth to chew and the dribbling waterfall that some how manages to come out their tiny mouth. Sienna is teething badly at the moment and i am looking for everything to help, so expect a few more teething product reviews! We had these teething blankies even before she was born and we were given them at our baby shower. 

Sienna has played with them for a while as they provide stimulation from the bright colours and noises they make. She has always loved the crinkle noise. They also act just as a 'blankie' and she liked cuddling them even before she could grab them. Speaking of grabbing, this is one of the first things Sienna learnt to grab because of the easy grab teethers. Now that she is teething pretty bad, she has started using them as teethers and really gets her mouth around it. They are nice and flat and wide to fit into her mouth so she can get to all angles of her gums.

These are great, i'm glad we have 2 as i try to carry one with me at all times. When i'm rushing out the door i can grab and go, knowing it will provide her gums some relief as well as being a toy when she wants to play or a blankie when she is tired. I highly recommend these if your baby is teething or a bit younger and you're struggling to find toys for them.

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